In case you've never heard us wax (pun intended) poetically about how much we'd love to take a mother-daughter road trip to Asheville, North Carolina - welcome to the vision. Asheville's funky, vibrant artisan scene is exactly what inspires us most! But until we find time to hop in our sprinter van and hit the road, we'll bring a little taste Asheville to Golden, Colorado.

Enter our newest artisan candle line, Hummingbird Candle Co. It's not hard to see what drew us to this line, just look at the beautifully-colored labels, elegant hand-pour, cozy wooden wick, and intriguing scent profiles (and yes, they smell absolutely amazing!). It is the first time we've bought or lit coconut wax* candles and we're total converts.
The best part of Hummingbird, is what you can't see on our shelves - the woman behind the label and her story! Tianna Dean opened up shop in January 2019 with the intention of having "her own thing" to complement her husband's transition to the maker world from 21 years of service in the US ARMY. Her maker journey began with the environment at the forefront. Especially as a mom, she knew that she wanted to be very mindful of the products that would be in peoples' homes. She married that cause with her love for empowering Womxn.
Hummingbird Candle Co. employs Womxn in their community and proudly creates jobs that pay fair wages and provide a work life balance. It's now a force of strong, inspiring Womxn. Every month, they donate to organizations that support women locally and globally.
In 3 years they've grown and flourished as an eco-friendly, Black-Owned, Woman-Owned small business and done so much good and provided so much beauty to the world. We're honored to have Hummingbird Candles on our shelves at Period Six and light one ... a No. 57 Hygge to be extact ;) ... in honor of Tianna's inspiring company!
Welcome to the mix, Tianna & team. Count on us visiting on our road trip!
:: cheers ::
Kiley & Ann
* p.s. Why coconut wax...
- clean burn :: less soot & smoke
- slow burn
- throw scent well :: you get to enjoy the full scent profile for the entire candle
p.p.s. Shop Hummingbird Candle Co. here.