It's no secret that Period Six has a reverence for moms. We are a mother-daughter owned business after all! Leading up to mother's day we've decided to spotlight a few of our beloved artisan brands that are also mom-owned.
--- Let's turn the spotlight onto Sweeter Cards out of Saint Louis. ---
Sweeter Cards was founded by Stacy Stahl and is actually her second business. The first, HowHeAsked.com (acquired by The Knot in 2016) also had love and sentimentality at its core, which isn’t surprising since Stacy is know for her generous and loving spirit. To quote the Sweeter Cards website
In her constant search for meaningful ways to be thoughtful, Stacy found it repeatedly difficult to find things that were more than a card, but less than an overly expensive (and oftentimes wasteful) gift. By combining chocolate and cheeky greeting cards, Sweeter Cards accomplishes just that!
Our Period Six regulars will tell you just how delectable this chocolate is and how much their friends and family love receiving Sweeter Cards. The sea salt dark chocolate is handmade is St. Louis using Fair Trade Certified ™ ingredients and lovingly created to harmonize with the top notch designs of the cards.
--- We were lucky to get to ask Stacy Stahl, founder of Sweeter Cards a few questions, enjoy her delicious answers! ---
:: We love that Sweeter Cards was created with an emphasis on kindness and thoughtfulness. How do you weave this intention into your brand? ::
Thank you! It's really tough to be thoughtful these days! We rely on texting and emails to communicate and it's just not enough–especially when it comes to expressing gratitude. By expressing gratitude for others, we are also acknowledging it in our own lives, so we consider giving and receiving just as meaningful. Through Sweeter Cards, our customers can celebrate loved ones and special occasions with a delicious chocolate bar and the power of the written word–a winning (and genius, if we do say so ourselves!) combination.
:: We’ve noticed people love to share how they’ve given a Sweeter Card, what is the most inspiring way you’ve seen one of your cards given? ::
I recently had a woman who lives in a nursing home in Arizona call in and ask what card I would recommend she give her friends. She said, "A lot of them are dying of cancer so it can't say "get well soon" in it." I told her about our Sending Hugs design and she said it was the perfect way to say I love you, but it wasn't encouraging of healing. Even though it felt a bit sad to hear, I was so happy that our chocolate cards would play a role in brightening the rest of their days.
:: When did you become a mom? How has being a mom changed how you work and/ or what you create? ::
I became a mom in September 2021 after my sweet son, River, was born. It has changed how I work because now I compare how I spend my time with the fact that I could be spending it with him instead. I have never had such clarity in what I focus on getting done for the business. No more silly tasks, only impactful ones.
As far as changing what I create. Well, between pregnancy and how hard postpartum pampering is, it's simply made me eat a lot more of what I created ;)
:: What does a work day look like for you now? ::
When River was born, everyone gave me the advice to sleep when the baby sleeps, but being an entrepreneur with no maternity leave, my mantra was "work while the baby sleeps" and 7 months later, his naps are my most productive hours. Thankfully, he loves his daytime sleep!
:: I’m sure 2020 threw you a few curve balls, what adaptation did you make that you’re most proud of? ::
Cooking at home has been a huge joy for my husband and I since the pandemic. I also started to garden more and I love that some pressure has been taken off our social commitments. Less things on my plate has meant more focus on what’s remained and that’s been a welcomed shift.
:: Anything else you’d love Period Six fans to know? ::
We’re proud to be female owned and designed! All of our designs come from women around the world.
p.s. Thank you, Stacy for you your time! Check out the Sweeter Cards we have in stock below.
p.p.s. Check out our Instagram highlights for some a quick six get to know you questions with Stacy! (you know it's good if it required a post-post-script!)
** Headshot photo by Mikkel Paige. **