Getting Started Is The Worst.

Getting Started Is The Worst.

Getting Started Is The Worst.
Getting started is the worst.

So let me begin by thanking you for starting the very first blog post from Period Six Studio. Not only is this the first from .6 but it’s the my, Kiley, inaugural post. 

Why the wait? Because, in addition to the seemingly impossible task of getting started, I have a tendency to overcomplicate things. I love brainstorming, dreaming larger than life, and big picture ideas. But sometimes playing them out deliberately seems cripplingly overwhelming.

So here we go – taking a step back and bringing you along for the ride.

Why this?  

The past year has flown by and before we know it, Period Six Studio will be celebrating its one-year anniversary. I am often asked why we began this journey. “Why would you quit your job and start your own business?” And the follow up comment – “I could never do that with my mom.”

Meet Mom.

You can call her Ann (although she’d probably answer to Mom if you’re daring enough to try). Without going into our long history (I mean she’s known me longer than anyone!) I’ll tell you we’ve always been close. We can take any length of time and fill it with an adventure.

Fifteen minutes till we’ve gotta be there- look what we’ve found! 


While a good percentage of our adventures are in hiking boots (or Chaco flip-flopsJ), on skiis, bikes, or with yoga mats, golf clubs or dogs in tow, many others are spent simply looking for cool stuff.

Overtime we’ve developed our own unique cool-stuff-ometer. Be it rusty, new, colorful, patterned, purposefully simple, or flat-out funky, the tipping point is always the story.

Does it have a good story? Sold.

When you know the story behind an object, what moves the person who made it, or why it was necessary, it’s no longer just an object. It’s a thread connecting you to another person, time or place. 

We started .6 to have somewhere to share the stories we find and to help weave your story.


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meet Kiley.

Hello, Six-ies! I'm owner, buyer and wear-er of most of that hats at Period Six. My fun super power, I can usually guess what Podcast code to use to get a discount on, well, most everything.

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